Zemanova kavárna, Jezuitská 6, Brno (13. 3.–27. 6. 2009) |
Main menu | Techniques | DJK numbers | Alphabetically by title | Chronological | Thematic |
DJK 5086 Cluster of Shapes /A, 1970
DJK 5101 Idol 1/A, 1976
DJK 5105 Idol 2/A, 1976
DJK 5258/C Relations (Yellow Shapes) /C, 1970
DJK 5482/B Curved Lines, Straight Lines, Planes 08 (Relations) /B, 1971
DJK 5496 Relation Between Dark and Light, 1971
DJK 5499/D Studio in Spring /D, 1971
DJK 5502/G Studio with Artificial Light /G, 1971
DJK 5503/D Studio in Winter /D, 1971–1972
DJK 5511/B Attempt at Graphic Space 2/B, 1972
DJK 5515/D Stream Among Rocks /D, 1972; 1974
DJK 5688/B Earth, Sea, Sky /B, 1970
DJK 5690/F Torso (Bacchant) /F, 1970
DJK 5691/B Torsos 1/B, 1970
DJK 5692/B Leaves and Fruit /B, 1970
DJK 5698/G Flood of the World 1/G, 1970
DJK 5698/K Flood of the World 1/K, 1970
DJK 5699/H Flood of the World 2/H, 1970; 1976
Main menu | Techniques | DJK numbers | Alphabetically by title | Chronological | Thematic |