BAWAG Bank CZ, a.s., nám. Svobody 23, Brno (16. 10. 2006–31. 1. 2007) |
Main menu | Techniques | DJK numbers | Alphabetically by title | Chronological | Thematic |
DJK 4698 New Post Office in Hausmannova Street, 1977
DJK 4701 No Train Will Ever Pass Through Here Again, 1977
DJK 4703 Time, 1977
DJK 4704 Flash in Love, 1977
DJK 4705 Gentleman with Ladykins, 1977
DJK 4714 Gate, 1977
DJK 4721 Snack for a Herring Lover, 1977
DJK 4722 Hot Dog, 1977
DJK 4733 Closing Time, 1977
DJK 4734 Perishing, 1977
DJK 4736 Flashseductress, 1977
DJK 4737 A Deceiver Hunted Men Using Fish as Bait, 1977
DJK 4751 Venus Born from a Cloud, 1977
DJK 4761 Musical Instrument Against Boredom, 1977
DJK 4763 Mysterious Green, 1977
DJK 4779 The Kiss of Death, 1977
DJK 4780 The Jewel of Death, 1977
DJK 4791 Ladies Mushrooming 1, 1977
DJK 4792 Ladies Mushrooming 2, 1977
DJK 4793 Ladies Mushrooming 3, 1977
DJK 4794 Homage to Ladies (Lady in Ceramics), 1977
DJK 4795 Homage to Ladies (Lady in the Universe), 1977
DJK 4821 Covering Rays, 1978
DJK 4822 Keyhole, 1978
DJK 4823 Strait, 1978
DJK 4828 Oriental Present, 1978
DJK 4830 Blue or Red?, 1978
DJK 4840 The Ascension of Female Skaters, 1978; 1983
Main menu | Techniques | DJK numbers | Alphabetically by title | Chronological | Thematic |