Interbanka, a. s., Hlinky 118, Brno (2. 1. 2003–31. 7. 2004)

  Main menu Techniques DJK numbers Alphabetically by title Chronological Thematic

DJK 5082 Torsos /A, 1970

DJK 5087 Cluster of Shapes /B, 1970

DJK 5103 Idol 1/C, 1976

DJK 5516/D Shapes in Shallow Space /D, 1972; 1974

DJK 5696/C Curved Lines, Straight Lines, Planes /C, 1970

DJK 5698/K Flood of the World 1/K, 1970

DJK 5708/B Idol 3/B, 1976

  Main menu Techniques DJK numbers Alphabetically by title Chronological Thematic